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Product Design of a 4 wheel differential drive robot

Smart Room :-) | Wireless controlled appliances

If you are a geek, then you definitely want to mess with everything to create something cool out of it. What about controlling all of your appliances from your computer or from your smart phone wirelessly? Set timer for light when you go to sleep; autonomously switch your fan on when temperature exceeds; and when you are too lazy to get up from your bed to switch fan/light off. All you need is an ESP8266 with a couple of other components that cost <10$.

Kind of lazy to always go and switch OFF the lights/Fans especially when sleepy :-). So 3 days straight and it's done... 2 days is spend to understand and change the firmware of WiFi chip ESP 8266. (You can add an extra micro controller along with ESP 8266, but what's the fun in it? )

Made ESP 8266 ES01 chip to act as a TCP server and also to control the Relay circuit (Changed the firmware and programmed it). Control messages are interpreted and necessary signals are passed to the Relay circuit. AC to DC converter (from an old mobile charger) along with a regulator (LM2596 Module) was needed as the chip is 3.3V tolerant. Finally create a nice and tidy script (using Script Manager) in Mobile to control the appliances (Rooted the device.. Thumbs up..). Same script will works in a Linux/Windows Machine also. All the components can be found online (bought from Amazon).

This is a video showing control of appliances using a smart-phone. A desktop implementation is also done which is shown at the end of the blog. A cool conky widget is also a part of this desktop integration.


Initial setup of the ESP 8266 for downloading firmware

putting all hardware inside the switchboard

Edit: Now temperature readings are also taken using DS18B20 and are send through WiFi. (DS18B20 cannot be seen in th above picture because it is placed on closing side to get temperature readings of room rather inside the box). All the schematics along with code are uploaded in github. (link) The same source file are reproduced in the blog for clarity. Replace SSID, PASSWORD, IP, PORT in the scripts to suite your needs. Comment if you need any help.

  • Control the appliances with normal switch
  • Control the appliances wirelessly using smart phone
  • Control the appliances wirelessly using computer
  • Get temperature readings in both smart phone and computer
  • Set timer to switch your fan/light on/off
  • Automatic control of fan using temperature reading
  • A clean Linux conky-widget that shows the room temperature with graph
conky widget



Controlling using Mobile

App required

an example script that switches the fan at 5.00 AM

Controlling using Computer

Create scripts shown below & move it in /usr/bin
  • lightON
  • lightOFF
  • fanON
  • fanOFF
  • temp


To create a cool widget right on your desktop showing your room temperature with  a graph. The graph will plot you room temperature based on readings taken at every 3 minutes.

Install conky-manager using

sudo apt-get install conky-manager

Then save the script in


Open conky-manager and load the script.

conky-manager widget


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